Digital Electronics
I haven’t had a chance to import the digital electronics volume from Lessons in Electric Circuits yet, but I’ve put together video playlists for binary numbers, Boolean algebra, combinational logic and sequential logic. You can find those playlists below – they cover most of a first course in digital electronics.
Binary Numbers
This video gallery has several videos covering such topics as:
- Converting numbers between bases
- Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Signed binary numbers
Boolean Algebra
This playlist will provide you with a good understanding of Boolean algebra. It covers the topics of
- Sum of products
- product of sums
- Boolean algebra laws and theorems
- Karnaugh Maps
Combinational Logic
This playlist describes
- Sum of products
- product of sums
- Boolean algebra laws and theorems
- Karnaugh Maps
Sequential Logic
This playlist describes
- Latches
- Flip flops
- Shift registers
- Counters
- Designing counters with arbitrary sequences
- Finite state machines

“The conveyor belt was a great analogy thank you!”
(Not actual picture)

“that was really helpful…easy explanation…Thanks a lot Mr.David”
(Not actual picture)

“Loved you already for making this, love you more for knowing what red stone is and what it’s from! :p”
(not actual picture)
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